
Archive for May, 2011


Trucks were sitting ducks although they were usually well armed

So I celebrated my first Thai new year a few weeks back, its 2554 here. A lot happens in the temples this time of year – not a monk to be seen on the streets – although I’m thinking they just didn’t want to be a target. One tradition entails throwing water over one another in order to bring good rains in the coming year. This is called Rohd Nam Songkran, meaning ‘The Pouring of Songkran Water’. The old people still carry silver bowls of scented water and sprinkle it over your shoulder as you pass.

Some people were well prepared

The young people however have upgraded to water weapons of various descriptions and engage in a 5 day water fight that leaves everyone and everything soaking. I mounted a large squirt gun on my motorcycle and drove into the fight. Kids on the street stand by garbage cans of ice water and through buckets full on passing motorcyclists. I’d drive right for them aiming at their heads to though off their aim but I’m a big target and an a falang (foreigner) which makes me especially fun to hit. So I never got further than four blocks from my house before getting drenched. Many people put the garbage cans of ice water in Tuk-Tuks (three wheeled cabs) or pick-up trucks and drove around the city drenching people.

Eventually I’d end up at a bar and drink bear while shooting people passing buy.

Here's an optmist -- a cotton candy salesman at a water fight

I eventually upgraded my weapon to a two barreled squirt gun, the range wasn’t good but I didn’t have to aim as well – I ran into a five year old girl, the same one I filmed months ago in a parade. She had a can of water outside her family’s restaurant – She would load for me while I shot — I traded her my gun for a single shot hand cannon – can’t shoot it from my bike but it’s it fires a full liter in 2 seconds. The police were big targets — they were line dancing in the street so you couldn’t miss – music blared from loud speakers — a different band every 30 feet – I’ve never seen 10,000 people play like this – it was fun to be a part of.

A Tuk-Tuk gets ambushed -- note the hopelessly out gunned passenger attempting to return fire

Four days non-stop

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